

这绝对是 not 假新闻:威尼斯人网上娱乐的新闻专业是全国最好的之一.

我们的获奖学生和毕业生在各大新闻媒体工作就是证明 华盛顿邮报》, the 国家杂志(ESPN等).


我们的实习协调员将帮助您找到可以启动您职业生涯的机会. 威尼斯人网上娱乐的学生找到了实习机会 得梅因纪事报 the 堪萨斯城之星 and the 费城问询报》, ESPN,美联社,KCCI-TV, WHO-TV, WOI-TV, St. 路易斯公共广播公司以及爱荷华州和明尼苏达州国家公共广播电台的分支机构, 世界粮食奖, Dotdash梅雷迪思, 和ABC新闻, 等. 想带着荣誉和奖励毕业? You’ve come to the right place: students in this major regularly receive honors including the Broadcast Education Association Best of Festival for multimedia award; Associated Collegiate Press, 专业新闻工作者协会, and Association for Education in Journalism and 大众传播 awards; Telly and Iowa Broadcast News Association awards; Iowa College Media Association awards; and more.

Drake news alumni have worked at WHDH-TV Boston and ABC7 Chicago; the 国家杂志; The Atlantic; 华盛顿邮报》; Time Out芝加哥; the Science Center of Iowa and the Des Moines Art Center; the St. 路易邮报; the 丹佛邮报》; WSMV-TV and WTVF-TV in Nashville; ZLR Ignition advertising agency; the Center for Investigative Reporting; CNN; ESPN; Des Moines Convention and Visitors Bureau; Greater Des Moines Partnership; the staffs of U.S. Sen. 克莱尔·麦卡斯基尔和U.S. Rep. Dave Loebsack,以及奥马哈和得梅因公立学校系统的通讯部门.


You’ll learn to report and tell stories that serve the public good; how to gather news and information accurately, fairly, and ethically; and how to produce your stories for distribution across traditional and digital media platforms. 你将获得多媒体技能的坚实基础,让你跟随你的激情进入广播或电视, 打印或在线, news, sports, 或特性. 你毕业的时候,你的技术和沟通技巧可以让你走到任何地方.

当然,你会从这些经历中受益 所有威尼斯人网上娱乐斗牛犬都喜欢—mentorship from professors at the top of their field; résumé-worthy internships, 研究经历, and other professional preparation; opportunities to learn while serving the community; and 1项 让你沉浸在你选择的迷人的主题和地点的体验(不需要额外费用).


我在找你的入学顾问? 参观招生办公室 找个咨询师 或者安排一个 校园参观. 关于威尼斯人网上娱乐多媒体新闻项目的所有其他问题, 请联系下面的联系人.

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