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Student & 校友的成就

Dr. Qi Shi, GR '09, 被任命为马里兰洛约拉大学新 教育中的公平领导和社会正义中心. Dr. 石奇毕业于威尼斯人网上娱乐的心理咨询项目.

莎拉·汉密尔顿(Sarah Hamilton), 2002年毕业,2007年毕业,2015年毕业, was presented with the 2021 High School Teacher of Excellence Award from the Iowa Council of Teachers of English. Hamilton teaches English and serves as the journalism advisor at Hoover High School in the metro of Des Moines. 

教育学院学生 Sydnei华盛顿 获得爱荷华州校园契约颁发的校长学生领袖奖. This award "recognizes an individual student or a student organization that models a deep commitment to civic responsibility and leadership, 以主动性为证, 以创新和协作的方式解决公共问题, 有效的社区建设, 将公民参与融入到大学生活中."

哈莉·埃杰利,19届毕业生, 作为她论文工作的一部分, 与威尼斯人网上娱乐教员杰里德·克鲁斯共同发表了一篇文章, 科学教育副教授和杰西·威尔科克斯. The article, Quantitatively Investigating Inservice Elementary Teachers' Nature of Science Views was published in 科学教育研究

在读博士生, Joleen Henning and 尼尔·帕特尔,15届毕业生,18届毕业生, along with 科林·西巴赫,15届毕业生, and 凯瑟琳·卡门,15级,18级与科学教育副教授杰里德·克鲁斯(Jerrid Kruse)共同发表了一篇文章. The article, Investigating the Correlation Between Preservice Elementary Teachers' Self-Efficacy and Science Teaching Practices can be found in the 科学教师教育杂志,

Dau Jok, GR '21他在得梅因公立学校的工作获得了全国SEL领袖奖. SEL stands for social and emotional learning and Jok was recently named to the first group of members to the SEL Fellows Academy by CASEL, 创立了SEL领域的国家非营利组织. 

In May, 索托孔特雷拉斯楼, 临床心理健康咨询的学生和威尼斯人网上娱乐启智的员工, 获得爱荷华州心理健康咨询师协会基金会奖学金. Flor计划提供双语(西班牙语和英语)咨询服务. In particular, 她希望提供宣传和教育,打破人们对心理健康问题的耻辱感, 尤其是对讲西班牙语的社区. Flor is planning to work with Spanish-speaking and other immigrant communities to normalize help-seeking for mental illness. 这是一个需要专业咨询师关注和倡导的领域. 

Noreen Colbeck-Busck, 05级毕业生她最近获得了全国女警司奖. AASA, 学校督学协会表示,该奖项是“对人才的致敬”, creativity and vision of outstanding women educational administrators in the nation’s public schools.诺琳是锡达拉皮兹社区学区的负责人.  

莫莉·谢泼德,19届毕业生 and 查德·卡尔达尼·特罗林格,应届毕业生, 和同事Tara Widner一起, 爱荷华州立大学, 马修·耶茨, 康涅狄格大学, 发表于第22届ILA全球年会:边缘领导力. 他们的演讲, “到达目的地和返回:设计基于领导力的文化发展体验," discussed the various pieces that come together to develop effective leadership based short-term international programming.

祝贺 阿曼达·克拉克,05级,19级 她是劳特利奇最近出版的名为: Implementing Project-Based Learning in Early Childhood: Overcoming Misconceptons and Reaching Success.

拉斯·亚当斯,93届毕业生他被评为2020-21年度爱荷华州的年度负责人. Adams是MOC-Floyd Valley社区学区的负责人. The nomination came from his peers and a committee of Iowa superintendents selected the award recipient.  

At the annual meeting of the North Central region of the Association for Science Teacher Education held in October, 萨拉·沃斯,应届毕业生, 获得戴维斯-福斯特研究生论文奖的论文题目是, 比较学生对Convergent的反应, Divergent, 和科学问题的评价性质.” Sarah’s award includes funding to attend the national Association for Science Teacher Education meeting in January, 2021.

安东尼·弗格森,17级,20级, 最近被任命为Equity的执行董事, Inclusion, 西得梅因社区学校(WDMCS)的多样性.  WDMCS has committed to actionable steps to create equity in their schools and ensure that all voices are heard.  Dr. Ferguson takes his mindset of equity to this role and will build a collaborative culture through data driven solutions to support the real-life challenges facing communities of color.  

艾琳·莱恩,16级毕业生, and 斯蒂芬妮·奥佩尔,19届毕业生, are members of the prestigious Forty under 40 metro area recognition for people who are young movers and shakers. 这40位当地的商业领袖, 谁是由往届获奖者选出的, are under the age of 40 and have demonstrated impressive career achievements and unparalleled community involvement.

迈克尔Couvillon,特殊教育教授 珍·威尔斯,GR, 2011年 (Current Drake Special Education Adjunct Instructor) were both quoted in an article in the Des Moines Register on March 2 with the headline, "Iowa Senate bill on school violence sidesteps the causes and instead would sideline kids with problems."

第一批 DMPS BLUE 学生完成教育理学硕士学位并取得校长执照.  他们的成就在2019年秋季毕业典礼上庆祝. 


凯特琳·阿伯森,17届毕业生, 他是加纳-海菲尔德-文图拉的英语语言艺术老师, 被加纳奖评为年度最佳教师, 在VFW 5515哨所.  Kate partnered with the VFW last spring to bring veterans into her classes to talk about their combat experience.  她选择了蒂姆·奥布莱恩(Tim O'Brien)的《威尼斯人网上娱乐》(Things They Carried)作为她的战争文学单元.  由于教室里没有足够的书,退伍军人事务部给凯特提供了75本这本书.  

莫莉·谢泼德,19届毕业生, 斯蒂芬妮·奥佩尔,19届毕业生现任博士生; Joleen Henning, and Jennifer Julich, GR '18, 在11月举行的爱荷华州校园援助/IEREA会议上获得了最佳海报奖, 2019. 

咨询教育专业学生, Renu Suddapali她在波士顿学院的2019年种族挑战大会上展示了她的工作.  2019年会议的主题是“种族、文化、 & 白人异性恋男性特权:当前社会气候下的生存、抵抗和治愈.苏达帕里说, 《剥削被剥夺公民权的社区:为民族主义铺平道路."   

Two alumnae of the Master of Science in Leadership Development program were featured in a webinar series hosted by the program.  Charlynne Roach-Green, GR ' 17 and Kenna Marple, 16级 为网络研讨会提供了他们的知识和经验, 显而易见的隐藏问题:领导力发展.  The webinar included a compelling discussion for HR and learning professionals about commonly misdiagnosed leadership issues, 深入研究根本原因, 并考虑简单和低成本的方法来解决问题.

乌尔班代尔社区学区副督学, 马克·莱恩,03级被评为2019年爱荷华州学校行政人员中心办公室年度行政人员.  Mark graduated from Drake with his Master’s degree in counseling and currently enrolled in Drake’s Doctoral program.

特伦顿·威廉姆斯,17届毕业生, 教育领导专业毕业生, 在2019年秋季被任命为豪小学校长. Previously, 特伦顿在迪拜教了11年书, 阿拉伯联合酋长国, Singapore, Southeast Asia, and Norway. 最近,特伦顿在麦金利小学担任了四年的干预师.

佩顿·鲍尔,17届毕业生, 格里登-拉尔斯顿学区的一年级教师, 被当地广播电台KCIM 1380授予“年度最佳新教师”称号, Iowa.   

Accolades 2018

Chris Mathews was one of six educators in the state of Iowa named as a finalist for the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching.  Chris was a math finalist and she teaches 4th grade at East Elementary in Ankeny and is a current graduate student in the Teacher Effectiveness and 专业发展 program.  在回答如何让更多学生对数学感兴趣的问题时, Chris stated, 许多教室的数学教学, schools and districts is transforming from worksheets and the repetitious practice of teacher-taught strategies into environments that value discovery, multiple methods to solve a problem and communication among peers in order to understand the way numbers work and why."  

MSLD graduate, 凯拉·菲利普斯,17级, recently co-authored and published an article with Associate Professor Cristine Wildermuth exploring students' thought process in a peer evaluation process.  这篇文章发表在 学术伦理杂志.  

蕾切尔小跟班 被任命为艾奥瓦州苏城布瑞尔·克里夫大学第11任校长.  蕾切尔是威尼斯人网上娱乐的博士生.  

教育领导专业毕业; 瑞妮塔·洛德,10级他被任命为得梅因公立学区新蒙特梭利学校的校长.  新的PK-8蒙台梭利学校将为得梅因地铁的450名学生提供服务.  《得梅因纪事报》的一篇文章援引洛德的话说, "I am excited to have a leadership opportunity in the launch of this new Montessori school as learning needs grow in the district."  

Kimberly Wayne 得梅因的校长被任命为爱荷华州教育委员会委员. 她是Siegwerk公司质量和持续改进的区域经理. 金伯利是威尼斯人网上娱乐教育领导专业的博士候选人. 她获得了爱荷华州立大学工商管理硕士学位和工商管理学士学位.S. 获得普渡大学化学工程学位. 她热衷于为年轻人赋权,并创立了珠宝学院, 为未被充分代表的年轻女性提供的非正式STEM充实组织. 

临床心理健康咨询学生 Ramona Wink 获得了100多个关心女性奖. 奖金是10美元,000 gift to the Iowa Mental Health Counselors Association (IMHCA) Foundation for a television program project. 这个电视节目是雷蒙娜的创意,也是她对倡导的热情所在. 她说,当上帝把这个想法放在她的心里, 她找到了IMHCA,他们非常支持她. 来自IMHCA的Don Gilbert和Ramona Wink已经在这个项目上工作了大约一年.

今年5月,现任威尼斯人网上娱乐博士候选人, Jennifer Woodley, 07级毕业生; 将接任爱荷华州“好朋友”的州总监.  Best Buddies International发布的一份声明指出, "Jennifer brings a wealth of professional knowledge and proven relationship-building skills to her new role with Best Buddies. 前国家咨询委员会成员, Jennifer has a strong combination of educational and professional experience that uniquely qualifies her to enhance fundraising and strengthen community building across the state as State Director."  

In March, 娜塔莉•尼迈耶被新闻教育协会授予新闻教育硕士学位.  Niemeyer teaches journalism at East High School where she works with students to publish the Quill and The Scroll (the school's yearbook and newspaper.  

Shelby Douglas她接受了圣母无原罪圣堂校长的职位. 约瑟夫学校位于爱荷华州吉尔伯特维尔.  Shelby indicated that she is "beyond thrilled to be able to put into practice all of the things that I learned in the Drake program.  你们都是鼓舞人心的领导者,真正点燃了我对领导的热情."

教育领导专业毕业; 诺里Colbeck-Bush 被提升为锡达拉皮兹社区学区的副督学.  诺琳当了24年的教育家.  她于2005年获得威尼斯人网上娱乐教育领导硕士学位.  


  • 麦克卡林·克拉珀,埃德.D., Advisor: Dr. Robyn Cooper  
  • 萨拉·科尔曼.D., Advisor: Dr. Robyn Cooper  
  • 布鲁克·格沃克博士.D., Advisor: Dr. Sally Beisser  
  • 杰弗里·格拉斯迈耶博士.D., Advisor: Dr. Robyn Cooper
  • 德里克克雷格乔尔埃德.D., Advisor: Dr. 凯瑟琳Gillespie  
  • Graham Jones Ed.D., Advisor: Dr. Sally Beisser  
  • Megan Knight Ph.D., Advisor: Dr. Robyn Cooper 
  • 苏茜·卢贝尔斯博士.D., Advisor: Dr. 凯瑟琳Gillespie  
  • 克里斯托弗·罗林斯博士.D., Advisor: Dr. Jill Johnson  
  • 查克·森斯托克,艾德.D., Advisor: Dr. Sally Beisser  
  • Joe Spiess Ph.D., Advisor: Dr. Robyn Cooper


咨询项目的校友, 本杰明·巴里,09级硕士; was recently granted the Middle Level School Counselor of the Year award from the Iowa School Counselor Association. 巴里是卡莱尔社区学区的一名中学辅导员.

2017年4月,学校辅导学生, Gina Beals 被任命为爱荷华州学校辅导员协会董事会的研究生主席. 她将代表爱荷华州所有的学校咨询学生.

In April 2017, Megan Wagner她是一名职前STEM教育工作者,获得了爱荷华州太空资助联盟的奖学金.

2017年1月, Loan Nguyen, ED ' 15, 一位罗斯福高中的英语老师,接到了一个来自美国的电话.S. 教育部长约翰·金说. Periscope电视台直播了这次通话. 金感谢贷款邀请了所有学生, 作为一个鼓舞人心的榜样, 以及她对学生学习的贡献.

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